Dynamics GP 2013 New Financial Features—So Many Features, So Little Time
10. Voiding Check Enhancements
Everyone who has used Dynamics GP for a longer period of time can now find those historical transactions in a flash. Find them with a Vendor lookup and a Document Number or Date Restriction.
9. Clear balances of Unit Accounts During Year-end Close Process
We no longer have to charge customers for changing unit account balances with Microsoft SQL queries after year end close. Mark them to clear the balance during year end close or leave them unmarked to carry a balance forward.
8. Information for Voiding Reconciled Payments
Ever wonder what’s going in Bank Reconciliation while you’re in Payables voiding a transaction? Wonder no more.
7. Customer Address Maintenance Form Changes
So many changes it’s hard to pick just one. The first one is two new fields to label. Set them up at >>Sales>>Setup>>Receivables>>Options
Use them at >>Sales>>Cards>>Customer>>Address
And even more information here:
6. Voiding Check Enhancements
These save you an extra step: when credit card payments are applied to an invoice, a separate invoice is created for the credit card vendor. When a credit card payment is voided, the associated credit card vendor invoice is voided as well.
And wait, there’s more. When you have credit memos or returns applied to an invoice, and want to void an payment that is applied to the same invoice, the credit memo or return is automatically unapplied from the invoice and can be reapplied as needed.
After voiding just the payment, the payment is void, the credit memo is unapplied and returned to the open file, and the invoice is returned to the open file.
5. Reconcile Subledgers to General Ledger
Inventory and Bank Reconciliation have now been added to this routine.
4. General Ledger Year End Close New Features
I know, I’m cheating a little bit. This is two features. New options to retain inactive accounts and a progress bar.
3. Here’s One For Your Auditors – General Ledger Batch Approval Information is Stored
You have the ability to track batch approval information for a General Ledger general journal batch in addition to the posting information that's kept. The approval user (APRVLUSERID) and date (APPRVLDT) are now stored in the Yearto-Date Transaction Open (GL20000) and Account Transaction History (GL30000) tables. You can use Smart List Builder, Excel Builder or a Reporting Services report to add those new columns to a report or inquiry.
2. SmartList Designer
This feature is so good, I’ll squeeze it in for financials, distribution, or every series. For feature #3 above, I used the new SmartList Designer.
1. Reprint Remittance Forms and Check Stubs
You can reprint remittance forms and check stubs for posted check payments entered in the Payables Transaction Entry window and for computer checks. You must be keeping transaction history for any vendors for which you will be re-creating these reports. Re-created reports will contain all of the details from the original document as long as the original was printed, the payment isn't voided, or history isn't deleted. In those cases, the re-created report will not contain all of the original detail.
Not on my Top 10 List but Maybe on Yours:
- View net change and period balance for unit accounts at the same time
- Additional edit payables ability to change the remit to address ID on open payables transactions
- Apply unposted multicurrency cash receipts
- Average exchange rate calculation option for currency translation
- Integrate Analytical Accounting with Fixed Asset Management
- BAI2 bank format added to Electronic Reconcile
- EFT field length option
- EFT settlement date for EFT transmissions
See our other posts for Distribution series and Fixed Asset enhancements
Implementation Projects Short on Resources Use Lean, Agile, and Rapid Processes
Dynamics GP 2013 New Features in Foundation and Installation – My Top 10
Computeration (computeration.com) specializes in Historical Transaction Integration from QuickBooks or Excel worksheets which can be easily populated with data from any legacy system. We implement and support Dynamics GP throughout the Western States and are the ERP Software Blog partner for Idaho.
by Computeration
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