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The DATA Act Driving Grant Management Automation

The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act enacted in May 2014 calls for making spending data available in open, standardized formats to be published online.  It is a continuation of transparency initiatives and lessons learned with experiences such as, the 2009 economic stimulus under the Recovery Act and the spending site

Government grantees will have significant new administrative responsibilities.  Many organizations that were tracking grants in spreadsheets or documents will have to adopt more sophisticated automated grant management systems such as Microsoft Grants Manager to keep up with reporting rules.

For profit companies will lose some privacy as a result of this law.  Grant recipients will be required to disclose information including officer salaries.

Continued improvements to publishing grant opportunities such as may make it easier to find grants. These reforms together are designed to improve the effectiveness of grant programs and to prevent fraud and abuse in such programs.

Call me at 202-364-8822 x109 or email me at if you would like to discuss your needs and how we can help.


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