Microsoft development partners who builds extension solutions for SAAS (On cloud) Business Central requires to add the permission to the developed solution for production roll-out. Let’s try to deploy the custom developed solution to the production environment and walk through the steps to resolve the issues one by one.
1) Upload the extension by navigating to Extension management page.
When you hit the Deploy you will get a message like “Extension deployment is in progress. Please check the Deployment Status page for updates.” Then you hit OK.
2) Type the DEPLOYMENT STATUS on the TELL ME search bar to see the status of the extension deployment. Unfortunately the status is failed
If we click on the extension and click on view details, we can see the error details as follows.
3) Go to your AL project and run the following command using Ctrl Shift P
You can find the new XML file containing permission set is generated in your project output directory.
4) Try to publish the app by running F5 command on the sandbox environment. You will find that your app is published on the sandbox.
5) Navigate to PERMISSION SET page. You will fin a new permission set is created with your app name. if you click on that you can find the custom object details as follows.
You can export the permission set from the SANDBOX and deploy on the Production environment before uploading the extension
6) Try to upload the extension again and you are good now.
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