Microsoft News: MS-DOS Mobile, Surface 3 and new MVPs
There has been lots happening over the last few days and I wanted to highlight a some of the news.
So please keep reading for a summary of the week’s news.
MS-DOS is back. Yes, you read that correctly. Microsoft has gone back to basics and launched a version of MS-DOS that you can carry with you anywhere, anytime. Try MS-DOS Mobile for your Windows Phone. The simplicity of the solution is just amazing and monochrome text never looked so good.
Welcome to MS-DOS Mobile (direct link)
MS-DOS Mobile is available for download today (direct link)
[Edit] You can even play games and run Windows 3.1 on it. Just fantastic. AND…. you won’t believe the gobsmacking quality and resolution of the camera.
Next up is the launch of the Surface 3. A smaller, thinner, lighter, less powerful, and cheaper fanless sibling to the Surface Pro 3. Unlike its predecessors, The Surface 3 is running on an Intel Atom processor and not ARM based architecture, which means it is running a full version of Windows 8.1 and not the now defunct Windows RT.
Introducing the new Microsoft Surface 3 (direct link)
To understand the differences in the Surface models, check out the comparison chart at
Finally… Congratulations to our latest Microsoft Dynamics GP MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals). See their announcement posts below:
Beat Bucher (Blog: The Dynamics GP Geek Blog)
Mahmood M. AlSaadi (Blog: Dynamics GP Essentials)
I have updated the MVP Blogs links on the right hand navigation pane with their blogs.
Well done to Mahmood. And a grudging well done to Beat as he withdraws his support for the TWMBSSDGPPPSATPLCPAT4MSDG. :-)
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