I'm sure by now that you've seen the new hierarchical visualisations in Dynamics CRM 2015. By clicking on the little icon in lists or on a form you can see the records graphically laid out. In true Dynamics CRM style anything you can do through the user interface is accessible through the SDK and so we now have the ability perform fetchXml queries using the above, eq-or-above, under & eq-or-under conditions. These new search criteria will find records up to a maximum of 100 recursions for a single hierarchical relationship.
Take a look at the excellent SDK topic Query hierarchical data on the subject.
I have found that when some users see the cool looking Dynamics CRM Online logon page they will ask 'Can I do that?!' I thought I would answer that question with a new SparkleXRM sample solution. Take a look:
Installing Network Visualisations (CRM 2015)
- Import SparkleXRM - SparkleXRM_7_2_3_managed.zip
- Import NetworkView - NetworkView_1_0_4_alpha_managed.zip
Usual MIT license applies!
Known Issues
For a list of known issues and reporting new ones please use the GitHub repository.
Thanks to CRMCAT and Jukka Niiranen for all the help and feedback so far.
Have Fun!
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