When using PTE for timesheets, once a timesheet is approved you cannot make changes to it. However, you can make an adjustment to a timesheet and reference the original timesheet. The directions below walk you through this process step-by-step.
Go to Project/transactions/timesheet, and this will open the timesheet window
For the Header Values
Transaction type: Referenced
Document Number: This will auto fill with the next GP number
Date: The date of the timesheet
Reference Doc No: Use the lookup to select the original timesheet that you would like to make an adjustment to
Batch ID: Enter the batch that belongs to the timesheet
Employee ID: The employee assigned to the referenced timesheet will populate here
Pay Period: The pay period from the referenced timesheet will populate
Currency ID: This should be the currency
In the Detail Box
Date: This will auto fill with the beginning of the period. You can change the date to a date between the Period Begin and Period End.
Project Number: Enter the project number for the adjustment.
Cost Category ID: Enter the cost category for the adjustment.
Quantity: Enter the () hours amount.
Once you have all the adjustment amounts for the employee on the timesheet, you can save and post the batch.
When posted through to payroll, there will be a NEG pay adjustment on the employee paycheck.
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