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eXtremeCRM 2015 Madrid | 1st Day – Innovation starts by…

Innovation ChallengeWhat an incredible 1st day being part of the Innovation Challenge at eXtremeCRM 2015, Madrid. After a short intro we started “brainstorming” about some typical use cases that we all really would like to see inside Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015. We did have a mixture of attendees being either a Functional or Technical Consultant, a Business Analyst or a Developer, so we finally made a descision to split the group into 4 individual teams, each one working on a single topic supported by at least one Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVP.

You do wanna know what we came up with?

Maybe you´ve heard of those from your customers, partners other events you´ve been part of or you even thought about providing it with your own team – so here are our final TOP 10:

  • Having a Notes to Azure Storage Connector
  • The Social Pane “unleashed”
  • Extending the SparkleXRM Network View Extension (recently introduced by Scott Durow)
  • A simple to use mobile Business Card to CRM Contacts “Reader”
  • CRM Caller ID
  • Adding Export to Excel functionality on Audit Summary View
  • Adding a dynamic Working Hours model
  • Large scaling Resource allocation
  • An Azure API Connector for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Mobile Connecting Framework

Today I´m not gonna share with you the ideas that the teams have been working on, because we´re going to introduce what can be done within just 8 business hours working in a team on it this Wednesday, but if you could vote virtually for each topic having 4, 3, 2pts and finally 1pt for them – what would be your favorites?

I know everyone participating this time did a hard work on preparing show cases, mock-ups and slides for the audience – which is going to be a rough race, if additionally you´re having to fight against technical issues (reliable conference Wifi Network), right?!

So THANK YOU very much for spending that day with us MVPs. A pleasure to meet you (again) and working on those ideas. Thanks to all my MVP colleagues supporting it. A big “Thank you” to the R&D and Support Team members from Microsoft, willing to support and help us and finally “Thanks” to our Sponsors (Adxstudio) and the eXtremeCRM event team who are willing to provide us with this “platform”.

There´s one more thing I´d like to add. Hej Jonas, I hope we´ve met your expectations.

Einsortiert unter:Allgemein, CRM 2015, CRM 2015 Online

This was originally posted here.


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