Successful companies know the importance of ERP systems, and what’s not to love? ERP solutions are powerful, effective, and fantastic for growth – until they’re not.
If you're working with a poorly matched (or outdated) system, you need to think about finding a replacement. Our experts have compiled a list of the seven signs you hate your ERP system. Read on to learn about tools you can use to figure out what actually works best for your company.
7 signs you hate your ERP system
1. It lacks basic features
You’re not expecting your software to hand you perfection on a gold-leafed platter. You’re just asking for the ability to log in, do your duties, and get the job done. If basic features are unavailable to you and the software doesn’t help with your day-to-day tasks, you probably hate your ERP system.
2. Systems don't talk to each other
This is always a source of frustration. If your company uses two (or more) systems that don't talk to each other, it means you’re burdened with unnecessary work. One major reason for employing ERP systems is to make life easier, not harder.
3. Raw data isn't good enough
Not good enough. Your system is built upon raw data. If the raw data isn't good enough to make your system complete, you have a frustrating problem.
4. Software takes the blame
Mistakes happen – they're a part of life. In the business world, these mistakes are generally a result of human error. If you're hearing employees blame your software for inaccurate data or late reports, look on the bright side. You have an opportunity for improvement. In the scheme of things, it doesn't matter if the mistakes were human error (and merely blamed on the system) or if your software is truly not up-to-par. Either way, your employees are unhappy with it and you'll benefit by exploring other ERP system options.
5. Manual fixes are part of your calendar
The whole point of a good ERP solution is to relieve employee workloads. That’s what the software is there for. Unfortunately, some leaders and employees have become so accustomed to manual fixes that they actually have a schedule in place to manually check and correct errors. Does this sound familiar? If so, we're willing to bet that you really hate your system.
6. "Real-time" means "sometime"
Does this make you cringe? It sounds so familiar, and frustratingly, it resonates so closely with your day-to-day life at work. The right ERP system should reflect and provide you with real-time data as you need it. It’s all too common that business leaders are forced to schedule "sometime in the future" to get data that reflects "right now." That doesn't make any sense, and it's incredibly inefficient for your business. You should be able to pull real-time reports that let you see your successes and opportunities as they present themselves. The longer you have to wait to assess the situation, the more likely you'll have to fix things (that may have otherwise needed no attention).
7. You dream of efficiency
Every company has a wish list. Every employee has a wish list, for that matter. However, if your wish list includes efficiency, you have a problem. Any ERP system in place should have efficiency as a built-in benefit. The whole point of these systems is to put logistics into place that help you gain efficiency and focus your attention elsewhere. If your ERP system lacks this key benefit, you’re piling up the costs by not switching to a new system.
We figured we’d stop at seven signs, though the list surely goes on. How many of these apply to your business? Even if it's just one, it may be time to upgrade your ERP system.
by InterDyn Artis
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