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Dynamics ♥︎ SharePoint & SharePoint ♥︎ Blockchain

It was in 2014 that we found out how much Microsoft Dynamics loves SharePoint. This love story actually started back in 2011, when Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 native integration with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 was launched by Microsoft.

Part 1 - Dynamics SharePoint

Dynamics and SharePoint have proved to be a good match because of document management. Managing documents using SharePoint makes teamwork more efficient – everyone loves version control and the ability to work collaboratively on the same document at the same time. Providing easy access to who needs to access a document is also a plus.

Besides, having Dynamics documents moved to SharePoint saves up a lot of Dynamics space and setting up a SharePoint integration is now even more straightforward than back in 2011.

But in all love stories there are some obstacles. For this one, the main obstacle was permissions, as we found out in 2014. As soon as the documents got to SharePoint, all the privileges that were carefully set up in Dynamics were completely ignored.

For example, a contract that was only accessible to senior managers in Dynamics could suddenly become accessible to everyone in SharePoint when you set up the SharePoint integration.

You either risked having everyone able to see any kind of document on the SharePoint side or you had to set up everything again from scratch in SharePoint. Worst of all, you had to keep it up to date which was a grueling, time-consuming, and error-prone task.

Fortunately, this obstacle was overcome by the appearance of CB Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Permissions Replicator. This is an out-of-the-box Preferred App on Microsoft AppSource that automatically solves this problem. It syncs the permissions and keeps them in sync at all times.

Part 2 - SharePoint Blockchain

In 2017, a new love story began, one that came from the need for trust. With so many documents in SharePoint, ensuring their integrity was crucial to building trust with internal and external stakeholders.

At Connecting Software, we thought of putting Blockchain together with SharePoint and started developing a solution that uses Blockchain to ensure your SharePoint files have not been tampered with.

After some work, we found that, yes, Blockchain and SharePoint can be a good match. You can use Blockchain for other than cryptocurrency. You can ensure data integrity in a simple way, without having to go through all kinds of complicated questions.

 Does SharePoint use blockchain?

Can blockchain store files?

How do I upload a document to blockchain?

Forget all that with CB Blockchain Seal for SharePoint – it is an out-of-the-box solution and that is big part in making Blockchain and SharePoint a good fit.

Ah, and just so you know CB Blockchain Seal for SharePoint does not send any documents or files to the Blockchain! It uses the blockchain to store just the file's digital fingerprint, which is called a hash.

The Happy Ending

The combination of Dynamics, SharePoint and Blockchain might sound strange at first, but it is a winning combination. The proof is that Connecting Software won the Innovation Index Award 2021 on the Blockchain category with it.

In the words of Alan Pelz-Sharpe, CEO of Deep Analysis

“Integrating blockchain into ECM, document management, file servers, and in fact any business application that stores files is a logical step to take, but very few vendors have made any effort to do so. This is why we like this product a lot, particularly the sheer simplicity of its end-user functionality.”

For Thomas Berndorfer, CEO of Connecting Software, the critical point is that,

“Many blockchain projects fail due to its complexity – we took that out, and, with this award, we will increase a lot of speed in this new exciting market. “


Key Takeaway

If your company is using Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, or even older versions like Dynamics CRM 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, consider this: adding SharePoint and Blockchain to your tech stack can add value by enforcing security and instilling trust.

You can achieve this Dynamics + SharePoint + Blockchain combination by following 3 steps:

  1. Configure the native Microsoft integration between Dyanmics and SharePoint following the tutorial
  2. Secure your documents with the same permissions you had in Dynamics using CB Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Permissions Replicator
  3. Ensure no one tampers with your documents with CB Blockchain Seal for SharePoint

Do you have some questions you would like answered? Are you curious to see these features in action? We’re happy to arrange a quick web meeting to show you around or simply talk over e-mail or phone.



By Ana Neto

Software engineer since 1997, she is now a technical advisor for Connecting Software.

Connecting Software is a producer of integration and synchronization software solutions since 2004.

We operate globally, and we are also a proud “Top Member” and “Top Blogger” at CRMSoftwareBlog.

Links and References

Testimonials and reviews of CB Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Permissions Replicator

The Challenges of Dynamics 365 Document Management and SharePoint Security

Deep Analysis on Connecting Software

The post Dynamics SharePoint & </br>SharePoint Blockchain appeared first on CRM Software Blog | Dynamics 365.

This was originally posted here.


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