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How Many Ways Can Your Accounting/ERP Software Hinder Your Business?

altico-15flagsI spend almost all of my time speaking and meeting with companies that are “in a fix.” Why? There are a few reasons, but it usually boils down to just two. Either their accounting/ERP software is woefully out of date or the software they’ve installed doesn’t actually meet their needs. And my point is, they’re “in a fix” because they’ve waited too long and by the time I see them, the situation is dire.

Here’s my analogy (maybe you’ll like this comparison and maybe you won’t, but it sort of speaks to my world view). If you’re in between jobs, do you make finding a new one an immediate priority? Or, do you wait until your bank balance is zero before you start job hunting? If the latter is true, your desperation leads you to accept just about any offer that comes along. You no longer have time to wait for the ideal job opportunity. You’re “in a fix.”

So I’m going to share our new White Paper with you. It lists 15 red flags that you should heed, like right now! Before it’s too late. Because if your current accounting/ERP software is already hurting your business, you don’t want to rush into a new software solution without having the critical time you need to make an informed choice. You need to find a system that will actually meet your company’s needs, to implement the software that will help your company move forward, outreach your competition, expand, grow, operate efficiently and effectively. And profitably!

15 Red Flags: Is Your Accounting Software Hurting Your Business?
[NO form fill required. Just click to download.]

Here’s a peek at some of the scenarios you’ll find outlined in this White Paper:

#1 – Unstable system and slow performance

#2 – Production schedule delays

#6 – Selling out-of-stock products

#10 – Excessive overhead costs

#15 – Not in compliance with GAAP principles

You get the drift. I’d wager that at least one of the 15 red flags will resonate with you. And if that’s the case, reach out to Altico Advisors. Think about it this way: You’ve really got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Because one of our solutions, be it Microsoft Dynamics GP or NetSuite, could be the answer for you and your company. Here are 3 ways to reach us: 508-485-5588,, or

By Jim Hickey, Vice President, Altico Advisors, Microsoft Dynamics and NetSuite partner serving New England and beyond.


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