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AX 2012 Security Management Reports

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Reports are vital documents that an administrator relies on when working with an ERP system. In AX 2012 it is important to be able to collect precise reports out of its wide-range of features.

An essential requirement for many large organizations is the ability to track and trace security settings. It helps to have the following security reporting capabilities:

  1. Security change logs – Every change or update made to security settings should be logged for auditing and future references.


  1. Companies, Roles, Users, Modules, Access level information – Having different combinations of this information in separate reports will help the management review only what is required at the moment quickly.


  1. Matrix reports with different combinations of Roles, Modules, Users, Menu items in relation to Privileges and Duties and vice-versa, will prove as extensive reports that could be used to map users and their access levels or be passed on to the department heads to allocate Roles to users or to find the gaps in AX2012 out-of-the-box Roles and make decisions to create new or duplicate roles, etc.

Arbela Security Manager 2012 (ASM 2012) provides a number of reports including the ones mentioned above for the management team to be able to make decisions quickly and for the auditors to verify fraudulent activities.

The post AX 2012 Security Management Reports appeared first on Arbela Tech.


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