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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Dynamics GP Essentials / Cancelling or Voiding a Pur...

Cancelling or Voiding a Purchase Order generated from a Requisition | GP 2013 R2 and later

I have seen this case quite commonly with several clients as they want to modify a purchase order which is generated from a requisition, this include the following scenarios:

Here is the requisition details:

Requisition Window

Then, the requisition is purchased so that a purchase order is created as shown below:



Now on the purchase order entry window, you might need to cancel a quantity or even void the whole purchase order, a user opens the purchase order entry window and try to apply such modifications as shown below:

1- Cancelling quantity on the purchase order generated from the requisition
“The quantity can’t be changed because the remaining quantity doesn’t satisfy the commitments for this line item”

Cancelling Quantity

2- Voiding a purchase order generated from the requisition 
“You can’t void this document because line items for the document are committed to line items on one or more documents”

Void Erro

3- Deleting the purchase order generated from the requisition
“You can’t delete this document because line items for the document are committed to line items on one or more documents”

Delete Error


All you need to do is to simply use the “Edit Purchase Order” window to either cancel the purchase order or change specific line item status. (Remember that the original status of the purchase order plays a major role in either preventing or allowing such change, such as a PO which has been already received ...etc.)

Go to Purchasing > Transactions > Edit Purchase Order status

Edit Purchase Order status


Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


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