You may have noticed that when you are setting up mileage rates via the Worker in Human Resources that no vehicles are listed in the dropdown for Vehicle type. This form is accessed via Human Resources > Common > Workers > Workers. Once in the Worker list select a Worker, select the Expense management tab and then click on Mileage.
Your further analysis via looking through multiple areas in AX indicates that there is no setup in AX for Vehicle types and you are correct. In order to have selections for Vehicle type in the Worker mileage form you first need to enter these on the Mileage rate tiers form that is accessed through an Expense category.
The following example will walk through creating a shared category, an expense category, setting up mileage rate tiers with vehicle types and finally completing the mileage rate form for the Worker.
Create a Shared Mileage Category
- Go to Travel and Expense > Setup > Travel and expense entry > Shared Categories
- Click New to create a new shared category
- Enter a Category ID and Category name.
- Mark the check box next to Can be used in Expense
- In the Expense type field select Mileage
Create an Expense Category
- Go to Travel and Expense > Setup > Travel and expense entry > Expense Categories
- Click New to create a new expense category
- In the Category ID select the shared expense that was created previously
- Select the default payment method
- Use Ctrl+S or File > Save to save the record
Create Mileage Rate Tiers
- Within the Expense category select Mileage rate tiers from the menu bar
- Click New
- Enter a description
- Enter you vehicle type in the Vehicle type field (In my example below I have entered 6 types)
**Note** In a production environment you would typically have from and to dates as well as the quantity that activates the rate
Enter Mileage Rates for a Worker
- Go to Human Resources > Common > Workers > Workers
- Select your Worker
- Click the Expense Management tab
- Click Mileage
- Click New
- Enter the Year that the mileage is accumulated for
- Enter the Mileage rate and Mileage to indicate the miles traveled for that year
- Select the Vehicle type dropdown
You will now see that the dropdown is populated with the vehicle types that were entered on the mileage rate tiers form and can be selected.
Dave B
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