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AX 2012: Setting Labels in X++

To set Label property of all the fields of a table in AOT, you may refer to the following code which loops through all the fields of a table and sets their Label property with their Name property.

static void MAKSetLabels(Args _args)
    SysDictTable    dictTable = new SysDictTable(tableNum(CustTable));
    SysDictField    dictField;
    TreeNode        treeNode;
    FieldId         fieldId = dictTable.fieldNext(0);
    str             fieldName;

    while (fieldId)
        dictField = dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId);

        if (dictField.isSql() && !dictField.isSystem())
            treeNode = dictField.treeNode();
            fieldName = treeNode.AOTgetProperty(#PropertyName);
            treeNode.AOTsetProperty(#PropertyLabel, fieldName);
            info(strFmt("Field name: %1 | Field label: %2",
                treeNode.AOTgetProperty(#PropertyName),         //Field name
                treeNode.AOTgetProperty(#PropertyLabel)));      //Field label
            treeNode = null;

        fieldId = dictTable.fieldNext(fieldId);


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