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Weekly Dynamic: Free Online Customer and Vendor Portal

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I like to show off free stuff for Dynamics GP (though Leslie Vail is the queen of that). Viewpost offers a free, online vendor and customer portal with a really well built connector for Dynamics GP.  Even better, for just the portal pice, setup and syncing with GP is under an hour.  Connecting it to your bank accounts to make payments takes just a little longer.

If you want to show your vendors what you’ll be paying or make it easy for your customer’s figure out what’s due, Viewpost is a great way to make that happen for exactly zip, nada, nothing. Sending invoices to your customers and receiving electronic payments from  them is also free. Plus the built in cash flow dashboard warms my heart.

There are options to pay vendors electronically or by check that are cheaper than cutting a check yourself. Viewpost is a great way to provide self service options to your vendors and customer. Oh, and their website rocks on mobile devices making it easy to look stuff up.

I spent some time with them the other day (their office is down the street) and I went back and setup one of my test companies in no time. They’ve got solid GP folks behind the sync connector so everything is both secure and fast. You can check them out at Convergence, but I’d look sooner. Tell them I said hi when you talk to them.

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