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How to generate Entity relation diagram for specific tables in Dynamics Ax 2012

Recently I have to generate a ER-diagram for specific list of tables in Dynamics Ax.  Dynamics Ax has built in feature.

Prerequisite of this article has Microsoft Visio.


Create a project for all tables which require in ER-diagram.

For this article I  created a new project with Name customer Address and drop CustTable and DirpartyTable in it.


In AOT or development workspace. Click on tools and reverse engineer menu .


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Following form will open, Select location where file with ERX will be generated. Select your private or public projects.

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Click ok to generate it.


When file is generated, go on windows start up menu and open MS visio. Select database modeling Diagram Template.

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When Database Model diagram is open, From database menu=> Import=> Import Erwin ERX file…

load erx file generated in previous step. This menu is only available when you select Database diagram as template in Visio.

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click on Browse.. button and load erx file.4-1-2015 12-17-52 AM



Click ok

A small dialog shows the import status

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Next step you have to enable view for Tables, So you can select tables for ER-Diagram

Database=>View=> Tables and views

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You will found following pane at left side of screen.

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Click on required table to add it on page and it will show required tables with relationship.

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You can re-size these diagrams.


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