How to generate Entity relation diagram for specific tables in Dynamics Ax 2012
Recently I have to generate a ER-diagram for specific list of tables in Dynamics Ax. Dynamics Ax has built in feature.
Prerequisite of this article has Microsoft Visio.
Create a project for all tables which require in ER-diagram.
For this article I created a new project with Name customer Address and drop CustTable and DirpartyTable in it.
In AOT or development workspace. Click on tools and reverse engineer menu .
Following form will open, Select location where file with ERX will be generated. Select your private or public projects.
Click ok to generate it.
When file is generated, go on windows start up menu and open MS visio. Select database modeling Diagram Template.
When Database Model diagram is open, From database menu=> Import=> Import Erwin ERX file…
load erx file generated in previous step. This menu is only available when you select Database diagram as template in Visio.
click on Browse.. button and load erx file.
Click ok
A small dialog shows the import status
Next step you have to enable view for Tables, So you can select tables for ER-Diagram
Database=>View=> Tables and views
You will found following pane at left side of screen.
Click on required table to add it on page and it will show required tables with relationship.
You can re-size these diagrams.
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