2012 R3 CU8: Forecast positions Enhancements
This is the sixth and final post in a series related to the new functionality introduced in Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8. Several new features were added in the HR and Payroll areas based on customer feedback. Features to be covered in the series include: Total compensation statement, FMLA tracking, Premium earning generation, Regular rate of pay, Benefit accrual enhancements, and Forecast position enhancements. Be sure to subscribe to updates for our blog to learn about this new functionality
Position forecasting modifications in CU8
A number of additions were made to the position forecasting capabilities in the Dynamics AX R3 release as part of CU8. These greatly enhance the ability to model planned position costs for budget planning, providing more accurate data and additional flexibility in creating “what-if” scenarios for comparison.
Copy a forecast position to another budget plan scenario
Budget planning is frequently an iterative process, starting with an initial version that is modified to create a second version – which is then used as a basis for a third, fourth, and additional iterations. To facilitate this in position forecasting, the “Copy to scenario” function can be used to create a copy of a forecast position, assigning a different budget plan scenario to the new forecast position. All attributes of the forecast position are copied (other than the scenario, of course). Therefore, modifications made to a forecast position can be used as the basis for another forecast position.
The Copy to scenario button is available from the forecast position list page, where multiple forecast positions can be selected by using multi-select in the grid:
Or from the forecast position detail form, for a single copy:
Clicking either button brings up a dialog, where the budget plan scenario for the new forecast position(s) is selected.
Note that if a forecast position has already been created for the selected position and new scenario, that position will be skipped so the existing forecast position is not accidentally overwritten.
Assigning a worker’s current compensation to the related forecast position.
To provide the most accurate current costs for an existing, filled position when creating a forecast position, the earnings amount for the worker currently in that position can be assigned as the earnings budget amount. This is only possible when the worker has a fixed compensation record assigned.
From the forecast position list page, select New Forecast position > Add existing positions. On the Add positions for forecast form, select a Budget cost element.
When the forecast positions are generated, this will do two things: if the position as an assigned worker, and that worker has a fixed compensation record as of the effective date (the “Records as of” date on the form), the worker’s annual equivalent pay rate will be assigned to the forecast position, using the selected Budget cost element.
Worker fixed comp record
Forecast position
If no worker is assigned, or the worker assigned does not have a fixed compensation record, the budget cost element is still assigned to the forecast position, but the default rate defined on the cost element is used.
Alternatively, the forecast position can be assigned a compensation group and the current worker’s compensation level and step, which is then used to calculate the earnings budget amount based on the compensation group’s compensation grid.
To set this up,
- The position’s job must have a level assigned:
- The assigned worker must have a fixed compensation plan that is step based:
- The fixed compensation plan must be assigned to the compensation group (Human resources > Setup > Budget planning > Compensation groups).
- The resulting forecast position is assigned to the comp group, with the job’s level and the worker’s step:
Creating pay increases for forecast positions
A common practice in compensation is to give workers an annual pay increase. This can take the form of a percentage increase, or for workers with step-based pay the increase comes as an increase to the next step.
Two methods were added to account for planned pay increases. Forecast positions with a compensation group, level, and step assigned can have a step increase generated for a specific date within the budget cycle (once per year, multiple increases possible for multi-year budget cycles). The previous earnings cost is ended, and a new earnings cost is added at the new rate.
The second scenario allows the change of amounts in a compensation grid, based on effective dates. This allows a mass change in rates to be applied to forecast positions which have compensation based on a compensation group’s compensation grid.
Note that the two scenarios can be implemented together, if desired.
Generate increases
The Generate increases process can be used for a forecast position assigned to a compensation group, with step-based compensation. The scheduled increase date is displayed on the forecast position; this is defined on the compensation group and can either be a common date for all positions assigned to the group or based on the worker’s anniversary date (manually entered on the forecast position).
Forecast position
Compensation group with common date for increases
Maintain compensation grid
On the forecast position detail form or the forecast position list page, click the Generate increases button and Yes on the confirmation message to generate an increase. Multiple forecast positions can be updated at the same time by selecting them on the list page.
Using the budget cost element specified on the compensation group, the previous earnings record is ended the day prior to the scheduled increase date, and a new earnings record is inserted, effective on the increase date, at the new rate. Budget amounts are automatically recalculated at the same time, pro-rated by the number of days.
New compensation rate table
Another practice is to increase the pay rates for workers – the rate of the worker’s current step, rather than an increase in the assigned step. This can occur on a date unrelated to the budget cycle dates, as in the case where a bargaining unit’s contract may take effect during the year, not on the fiscal year start date.
To create a new rate table,
- Open the Compensation group form (Human resources > Setup > Budget planning > Compensation groups, select the group to update, and update the expiration date of the existing rate table (if needed). Rate tables cannot overlap their date ranges.
- Click Add to insert a new row; the date will default to the day after the previous record’s expiration date.
- Enter an Expiration date, or accept the default ‘Never’. Tab through or press CTRL-S to save the line.
- Click on Maintain compensation grid.
- In the Set up compensation form, select the second radio button, and in the Copy from grid: field select the grid used as a basis, then click OK.
- The values in the grid displayed can be changed as desired.
- Once changes are made, new forecast positions with the compensation group assigned will use the new rates (based on the effective dates). To update forecast positions with the new values, click the Update position rates button on the comp group, select the budget planning process and budget plan scenario to update, then click OK.
If the increase is effective on a date within the budget cycle, a new earnings record will be added to the forecast positions, using the new rate and start date.
Use the forecast position cost element start date as the effective date of the budget plan line
The start date of the forecast position cost line is now used as the effective date on the budget plan line, when a budget plan line is created from a forecast position. This brings more accuracy to budget plans; when costs are viewed across a budget cycle, a cost that does not begin until later in the cycle is dated appropriately. This is particularly useful for a position that is slated to begin later in the year.
Forecast position budget cost elements
Budget plan lines created from forecast position
Creating pay increases for step plan using compensation groups is working fine But how to create pay increases for grade and band plans ? I tried having Hire and promotion compensation plans for grade plan for an employee. But while creating the forecast position , only one plan is being captured i.e., existing hire plan but not the promotion plan. What are the prerequisites for creating pay increases in grade and band plans in forecast positions ?
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