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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Dynamics CRM Tip of the Day / Tip #359: Why don’t I see a...

Tip #359: Why don’t I see any records in CRM Online

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A recent post in the Facebook Microsoft Dynamics CRM group asked why, after adding a CRM Online trial to an Office 365 subscription, a system administrator could only see the service and settings sitemap areas.

Abhishek Pattanaik's photo.

The reason is that the user in question had Administrative user access mode. In Office 365, all Global Administrators are granted System Admin in CRM Online, but if they don’t have a CRM Online license associated with their user, they will be limited to Administrative user access mode. This gives them access to administrative functions, like user management, but not to any front-end entities or records.

To grant the user full read/write access, apply a CRM Online license to the user in Office 365.


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