Some enterprise resource planning (ERP) products are only available as software-as-a-service (SaaS), hosted in multi-tenant cloud environments where multiple end user companies share the same instance of the software. Microsoft Dynamics® GP on multi-tenant cloud is available, but the venerable softare product will probably always be available on-premise, through a perpetual license. That means you can buy the license and use it virtually forever on your own hardware.
Yes, Dynamics GP is certainly available on a subscription in the cloud, with a high level of multi-tenancy--with multiple end-user companies sharing a partitioned SQL database. This offers a number of benefits versus on-premise provisioning, and is also in many ways better than software products offered only through SaaS. How do you plan for and succeed at multi-tenant Dynamics GP on platforms like Windows Azure or cloud offerings from value-added resellers (VARs)? What are the implications for third-party extensions like barcode scanning? In this episode of Panatrack's Extended Business Podcast, Tidestone Technical Director, Darren Woodbrey, shares insights into Dynamics GP in a multi-tenant environment, and offers how-to advice for provisioning Dynamics GP in the cloud.
Woodbrey offers no-nonsense advice for those preparing for Dynamics GP in the cloud:
"Once you decide on the preferred licensing model, subscription or perpetual, there are a few other things to address as you prepare for Dynamics GP in the cloud," Woodbrey says. "We also advise our customers moving Dynamics GP into the cloud to look at moving their instances of Microsoft Outlook and Office into the cloud as well. This makes for easier exporting from Smartlists and more graceful email communication from within Dynamics GP. You will have to make sure your mail server, be that Office365 or an on-premise exchange, connects to the cloud instance of Dynamics GP."
Stream the podcast, and learn more with this in-depth Executive Brief, How to Achieve Multi-Tenant Cloud with Dynamics GP.
You can glean additional Dynamics GP cloud insights from this podcast and Executive Brief from Panatrack President Michael Burnham. Stay tuned for more largely (but not entirely--we still have to pay the light bill) vendor-neutral insights from Panatrack's Extended Business Podcast and informative Executive Briefs!
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