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Microsoft Dynamics Connector and installation and configuration step by Step

Microsoft Dynamics Connector and installation and configuration step by Step.


I configured the Microsoft Dynamics Connector on my local configured virtual machine where standard Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R3 installed.

Here are step by step and my notes


First step to run the setup form and choose add or modify component option

Add remove


Click on next and select the connector from very below end

Select the option

Next to validate, if validation failed then download required component to made it validate.



Click next button


From next step select the default server on which you are installed the connector.

Service Account

Enter the service account and click on next.

Domain user

Here is trick, Setup required a user, I created a separate user in my domain control with administrator rights. Like “dynamicworlds\AXIntUsr”.  Select the “create new account”.

If you want to use existing ax user then select “Use existing account” and enter its name against Ax user ID.

I used the create a new user ax option, It will added the domain user into Ax with following groups



Click next and complete the step. And check the log file if there is failure else complete it.


Now run the Dynamicsrun connector with administrator rights


And select Dynamics Ax adapter.

Set its configuration with newly created user



Click on configure Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 link to open second screen


Click on refresh services.


And select the required service. And click on configure button


Now close this window and click on click on test button. This will also result on success.



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