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Dynamics CRM Online Deployment Exam MB2-706

Today I took and passed the Dynamics CRM Online Deployment exam MB2-706. The title only mention Dynamics CRM Online, however when I look more carefully on the skills measured section, there are some topics that quite overlapped with the Dynamics CRM Installation exam MB2-708.

First of all, I won’t break the NDA of the exam but I would like to give my thought on the exam. And if you ask me anything about sample questions and answers, I would say upfront, but sorry I won’t give anything.

As I mentioned earlier on the post that there are some overlapped topics with the installation exam, however I was quite unprepared when I was given some questions that supposedly only applicable for on-premise installation. Then I spent the time of the feedback to point out the questions that not accurate for the Online Deployment. Apart from that, the rest of the exams questions completely reflects the items that listed on the skills measured.

For the preparation of the exam, I just used the Dynamics CRM Online Deployment MOC training material from PartnerSource, however the training itself is not sufficient to pass the exam. Referring back to the skills measured, there are some topics that were not covered in the Online Deployment training, maybe combined with the installation course would be beneficial. Reading the Implementation and Administration guide also a good supplement to prepare the exam.

And one more tip for the exam: Second Shot. Microsoft is offering the second chance if you don’t pass the exam for the first time. The Second Shot offer valid for MCP exams that is taken between January 5, 2015, and May 31, 2015. My tip on this Second Shot is not use this opportunity to memorise the questions, but to identify on which section(s) that we are weak at, then do better preparation for the second chance.

I hope this helps!


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