‘Generate RMA’ in the Call Center Customer Service form
If you’re using Dynamics AX 2012 R3, you might have discovered the Call center ‘Customer service’ form. If you operate a call center environment, where agents are taking orders and queries over the ‘phone, it’s well worth a look at how this form brings relevant information and functionality together. This post on the excellent organicax blog briefly shows the functionality.
One useful feature on the Customer service form allows the operator to Generate an RMA directly from an invoiced sales order.
Or, at least you’d think that’s what a button which is only active when you select an invoiced sales order and is labelled ‘Generate RMA’ would do! However, even with CU8 installed, the button actually has no real functionality behind it. It opens the Return order form, but doesn’t create a return for the highlighted order. In fact, it doesn’t create a return order at all; you’d have to start by using the ‘New’ return order button.
I thought this was a shame, because the Customer service form allows you to do nearly everything from one place – everything except create a customer return. And this is why I am delighted that Microsoft have released a hotfix to address this scenario.
The hotfix is KB3037364, and I’ve installed it into a test system running CU8.
Now, when I hit the ‘Generate RMA’ button, a new return order for the selected customer gets created. And all of the items, prices and quantities from the original order are copied to this return order.
There is no functionality to ask which items/quantities should be included on the return, but it’s a great start. In any case, the return order can be edited as necessary.
If we take a look into the AOT, what has the hotfix changed? First, there’s a new method on the Customer service form which dictates if the ‘Generate RMA’ button is active.
There is also a new method on the ReturnTable form, which is called by the init method if it determines that the new return order was created by the Customer service form.
And with those small changes, the Customer service form now does everything!

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