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Dynamics GP Manufacturing to Service Configurations

We received a question recently: Do you have something that will allow linking serialized components to the top-level finished good?

After a little digging, the question was a bit more involved.  They make closed-circuit television equipment where the top-level DVR contains multiple serialized components, such as a hard-drive and a power supply.  They need to track which serialized components are inside each unit, along with additional information such as Warranty Dates and Installation Dates and Service Dates.

Dynamics GP can do this!  You can make the DVR using Dynamics GP Manufacturing, record which serialized components went into which serialized finished good, track the complete configuration of the assembled unit, and record Installation, Warranty, and Service dates at any level.

Here’s how.

Dynamics GP Manufacturing can create a serial numbered finished good, and track the serial numbered components used to make the finished good.  The links between component and parent serial numbers are recorded in the Manufacturing Serial/Lot Link Entry.  The example below shows the top level 100XLG (serial number FG1) linked to the component BA100G (serial number 00004).

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

With the Field Service module you can use Equipment Records to track ownership of each serialized unit to a Customer, and record a large amount of additional information about the equipment including the Installation Date, Warrant Date, and Service date.  The Equipment Configurations track the parent-child relationship of the many serialized components which make up the entire assembly.  Each item within the Configuration has its own Equipment Record, so you can track the warranty on the hard-drive separately from the warranty on the power unit. Additionally, you can swap out individual components during a repair and always keep track of the current list of components using the Configuration Maintenance window.  The example below shows the same unit from the Manufacturing Order above as it appears when converted to an Equipment Configuration (note that 100XLG (FG1) is linked to BA100g (00004).

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

WilloWare’s Configuration Builder (part of the Service Equipment Suite in MFG PowerPack) connects Manufacturing’s Serial-Lot Linking to the Field Service Equipment Records and Equipment Configuration.  When the top-level unit is sold, Configuration Builder locates the Manufacturing Order which made the unit, and traces its way through the serial-lot linking.  For each serialized item it creates a new Equipment Record, and links all of the Equipment Records together in a Configuration that mirrors structure recorded in Manufacturing.

With the Dynamics GP Manufacturing, Field Service, and WilloWare connecting the two, you have a complete equipment management system.  You can build a serialized item, track the components inside it, record detailed information about the equipment at each level in the assembly, and swap components in and out of the configuration.

by WillowWare


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