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5 Steps to Planning an Effective Nurturing Campaign with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

What if there was a way to deliver relevant content and follow up with potential customers on products/services they might be interested without having to use a ton of valuable staff time? That’s where the marketing automation function in your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system comes into play.

Dynamics CRM ButtonMarketing automation helps you understand your buyer’s intent, engage prospects, and allow them to move through the buying process at their own pace. Taking advantage of this crucial function can increase your sales and revenue numbers without overloading your staff.

Nurturing Prospects

Nurturing prospects is one of the most important pieces of marketing automation. With Dynamics CRM, the number of nurture campaigns you can create is endless. One campaign could offer automated emails leading prospects on their buying journey. Another might offer prospects valuable information such as a webinar or free white paper. Other campaigns could offer prospects an opportunity to schedule an appointment, receive a follow-up call from a sales person, or simply provide your company a way to gather relevant information. 

How to Create a Successful Nurturing Campaign

Step 1: Know Your Audience and Segment. In order to reach your target market, you must first define your ideal customer and segment them. Emails are not a one-size-fits-all scenario. You’ll want to create different nurture campaigns for each segment of prospects.

Step 2: Offer Prospects a Value Item. Don’t offer your prospect a sales pitch right out of the gate. Instead, offer them valuable information such as a free assessment or industry white paper. Cultivate a relationship slowly. Lead them in the right direction so they can discover the value of your products on their own.

Step 3: Set Goals and Objectives for Each Step. Each contact you have with a prospect should have an end goal. Ask yourself what type of content should be delivered and what the specific purpose of an email is. Try making a flow chart or diagram to layout each step, goal, and objective.

Step 4: Create a Timeline. Prospects need time to process information as well as decide whether to make a purchase. Give them that time by providing adequate spacing between contacts. Nobody likes a pushy salesperson, so don’t try to rush the process.

Step 5: Evaluate and Adjust: Oftentimes, we’re onto the next campaign before we’ve even analyzed the results of the last one. The only way to improve your communications with prospects is to analyze your results and then experiment. Try a new timeline or provide a different value offering. Just be sure to quantify the results so you can improve your process.

What’s Next?

Once you’ve planned out your nurture campaigns, you’re probably wondering how you get them started. Though there are plenty of valuable online resources that can help, start with these three articles. And remember, anytime you need help, feel free to give Crestwood a call. We’re always here for you.

Dynamics CRM 2013 Guides, Training Videos, and More

New Dynamics Marketing in CRM 2013 Article

How to Create Campaign Automation in Dynamics Marketing by Jasper Osgaard, Microsoft


5 Steps to Planning an Effective Nurturing Campaign with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a post from: CRM Software Blog

The post 5 Steps to Planning an Effective Nurturing Campaign with Microsoft Dynamics CRM appeared first on CRM Software Blog.

This was originally posted here.


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