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Four Useful New Features in Dynamics GP 2015

Microsoft recently rolled out Dynamics GP 2015, and with it, a number of significant new features and abilities. In some ways, this is an update that completely rethinks aspects of the program, while adding features that users have long asked for.

So what are some of the top features in GP 2015?

Service-Based Architecture

One of the main new features--and the one that has generated the most excitement in GP 2015--is Service-Based Architecture (SBA).

Darren Woodbrey, Technical Director at Tidestone Solutions describes SBA as "a shift in the GP integration strategy. It is a RESTful-based web service framework that allows developers to present native GP business logic to an HTTP REST endpoint."

How does that help GP users? By offering a degree of flexibility and extensibility not previously possible.

"REST is the most common form of web service being used today," continued Woodbrey. “Almost any type of application/reporting platform can consume it. Android, Apple and Windows-based mobile platforms all consume REST services. Microsoft even has a drag and drop application named Siena that is used to build Windows 8 modern apps. This means that with a few clicks, application consultants or customers can build a Windows 8 app based off of GP data for your organization."

This has a couple of benefits to your organization. First, you no longer need an expert programmer to create applications for your GP data. Second, the applications you create don't require a license.

Custom Excel Refreshable Reports

This is one of those features users have been asking for, for years. Using SmartList Designer, you can create SmartLists that can be exported to Excel. Wherever you save the Excel spreadsheet, it will automatically refresh when you open it, ensuring it is always up-to-date.

Workflow 2.0 Improvements

Workflow 2.0 was originally introduced in GP 2013 R2, but it sees significant improvements in GP 2015. There are "expanded workflows to help streamline financial, purchasing, sales, payroll, and project expense related approvals."

Some of the new workflows include (PDF Link):

  • General Ledger batch approval
  • Payables batch approval
  • Vendor approval
  • Receivables batch approval
  • Employee skills approval
  • W4 approval
  • Project expense report approval

These new native workflows enable customers to quickly customize their solutions and accelerate business approvals.

Employee Self-Service Functionality

Employee Self-Service Functionality gives employees more control over their own information. Contact information, skills and education can all be edited by the employee. Because this new functionality is integrated with the Workflow improvements, employees can submit changes for managers to approve, saving valuable time.

What It All Means

With these changes, it's clear that Microsoft is working hard to add value throughout the Dynamics GP experience. Automating tasks, leveraging data, making it easier for customers and partners to extend and modify solutions are just a few of the ways that GP 2015 improves its value over previous versions.

Dynamics GP 2015 is a substantial update. As impressive as its new features are, even more impressive is the promise it holds for future development as Microsoft builds on these changes.

If you’re going to Microsoft Convergence in Atlanta, be sure to stop by and see us at the show! We'll be there all week at Booth 1827.

About the Author: Curt Finch is the CEO of Journyx, a Certified Microsoft Partner. Journyx maximizes the value of Microsoft Dynamics by adding enterprise time tracking. Journyx Accountlink for Microsoft Dynamics allows companies to quickly implement a complete time tracking solution using existing business data in Dynamics. Connect with Curt on Google+.

by Journyx


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