Microsoft Convergence 2015 Highlights
Microsoft Convergence 2015 was held March 15-19 at the Georgia World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta. Once again a packed agenda full of great content and fun was easily found and the opportunity for sleep was another story for some. The event included over 12,000 people from 76 countries and kicked off on Sunday morning with the annual volunteer event.
Midday was the start of the pre-game sessions offered by the Dynamics User Group Communities. On Monday morning, a full house at Philips Arena were among the first to hear about some exciting releases from Microsoft. The crowd was also surprised when Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson made an appearance on the stage and discussed how he uses technology for his work and personal life.
Satya Nadella announced a number of new things coming to the Microsoft portfolio. Among them were Microsoft Delve ( This was described a business news feed. Another announcement made was the Azure IoT Suite ( and Microsoft Skype for Business ( which will replace elements of Microsoft Lync. One of the quotes I took away from Satya’s address was “In a world of big data, you need to recognize small patterns and act on them”. Kirill Tataroniv next spoke to the crowd and spent a lot of time talking about the new age of the customer we are living in and how “the customer is the most important business process”. Another reminder of the age of the customer.
From there the CRM Vertex team was to be found in the Expo hall where we had a steady stream of visitors throughout the week. It was great to catch up and meet our partners and customers face to face. What we heard the most from our customers and partners was that they had not realized the development possibilities that existed with CRM Vertex. We have done such a good job of touting the configurability of the solution that we had almost overlooked the development options that also exist. You can read more about that in an article series from our CTO here:
The conference concluded on Thursday morning with the closing keynote where David Finn from the Microsoft Cybercrime team enlightened us about some of the newest around Microsoft PhotoDNA and some of the measures being taken to protect servers and data from the ever changing hacker tactics. If you missed the closing keynote, hopefully you can find it recorded online as it was truly thought provoking.
Microsoft Convergence 2016 will be held April 4-7, 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana. With some of the content and training for Microsoft Dynamics being shifted to the Dynamic Communities User Groups, it will be exciting to see how Microsoft Convergence continues to evolve as it moves from the premier Microsoft Dynamics convention to a premier business conference as it was positioned throughout the week. The message of one Microsoft was heard throughout the week and the change in Convergence to more of an overall business conference was another reminder of the constant evolution. One thing for sure is that Microsoft is as dedicated as ever to being an impactful part of all areas of business. If you missed Convergence this year, you missed a great one.
by CRM Vertex
Microsoft Convergence 2015 Highlights is a post from: CRM Software Blog
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