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Digital Recall Protection

Jif product recall reminds inventory management SME of the need to share the goods news!

On May 20, 2022, an article about a voluntary recall of Jif products by J.M. Smucker Co. caught the attention of a SME (subject matter expert) on inventory management, the critical nature of these events prompted me to write this blog on Digital Recall Protection.

Did you know that on average, 1,279 drugs are recalled every year!  According to FSIS (Food Safety Inspection Services), average food recalls range between 50 and 120 in a given year.  The most common recalls are related to concerns of Listeria, Salmonella, Unapproved substances and Undisclosed allergens.

Have you ever been through a recall yourself?  In a best-case scenario, it is a large disruption to your ongoing business.  Your internal resources are sent scrambling through vendor paperwork, throughout the warehouse, throughout the quality department and throughout your shipment paperwork.  Our government agency Food Safety Inspection Services will also lend a hand to help you through the crisis.  And why do I say crisis?  Because in the worst case scenario a recalled item can cause serious harm to your consumers, your product brand, and your corporate image and reputation!

While companies can do many things to prevent recalls, in many scenarios they are not completely avoidable.  So, whether that drives you, or the government led FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) drives you, it is important to apply best practices and training on quick and accurate methods for containing a recall concern from getting out of hand.

WithoutWire has developed a 3-step, 3-minute digital recall that prevents an initial concern raised by any of your employees from becoming a major issue.  It starts with accurate lot, expiration and/or serial tracking of your raw materials and finished goods.  When you track your finished good creation through the WithoutWire system you always have full lot traceability back to the raw materials.  That is key, because you cannot always predict where the initial concern will be raised.  The FSMA also requires food companies to digitally track their lots 1 step back and 1 step forward in your supply chain.

Having these records kept digitally in an inventory management platform like WithoutWire means you are always prepared to act on these concerns.

STEP 1:  You can immediately lock down all item/lot materials in question within your facility through our WithoutWire web console:

STEP 2:  Now you want to prevent any more suspected contaminant from entering your warehouse.  So, you want to place that item or vendors items on immediate hold upon receipt, pending quality inspection until further notice.

STEP 3:  And finally, you want to pull up a digital list of all Customers who have received this item, or sub-component of an item/lot that is in question over a specific date range.

Our 3-step process is accomplished all within 3 minutes … digitally.  Through Recall Protection, WithoutWire provides a very inexpensive insurance policy to enable FSMA or DSCSA (Drug Supply Chain Securities Act) compliance and protection for a very substantial risk to your business!

If you would like to see a Product Recall demonstration of WithoutWire you can request it from our website today.

We hope that you will contact us to today for a product demonstration of complex inventory made simple for Distribution, Manufacturing and/or Field Service.

Steve Dwyer, Chief Revenue Officer



The post Digital Recall Protection appeared first on ERP Software Blog.


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