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Five Reasons Web Stores are The Future for B2B

eCommerce is everywhere and it’s never been easier to do business online. That’s true for Etsy artists and people selling artisanal soaps on Shopify but it’s also true for B2B organizations that never thought about setting up a web store. Our partners at k-eCommerce have a solution that integrates with Dynamics, which is why we’re sharing five reasons web stores are the future for B2B.

  1. It’s Where The Money Is

Most people think of eCommerce as only for retailers (B2C environment), but there is a great deal of opportunity for B2B eCommerce as well. In 2013, B2B eCommerce sales reached $559 billion, which was more than twice the size of B2C eCommerce sales

  1. It’s The Easiest Way To Order

A web store can also be used as an online order entry tool for customer service and sales reps. For example, k-eCommerce has a Sales Portal, which can be used on the road by sales reps and synchronizes back to Microsoft Dynamics.

  1. Your Customers Want It

You might not be Amazon but that doesn’t matter to your customers. They’ve seen what’s possible with eCommerce and, even if they’re not asking for it, they’re ready to stop scanning orders or emailing your sales team. They want to reorder with a click, make orders on the fly and upload big ones as a .CSV.

  1. It’s a Mobile World

No matter how you’re taking orders, it needs to be easy to do on a mobile device. That means it needs to be simple, responsive and functional. Whether orders are being entered by clients or sales reps, this is a critical piece of an omni-channel strategy.

  1. The Personal Touch

Finally, personalization is a new trend in the eCommerce world. Rather than focusing on promoting a specific product line, this change places focus on each unique customer. Personalization features within k-eCommerce include custom catalogs per user.

If you’re considering a store or are just wondering how one could work within your organization, Prophet and k-eCommerce are hosting a free webinar on April 22, 2015 at 10AM CDT.

Five Uses for Your Web Store You May Have Overlooked

Wed, Apr 22, 2015 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT


- Cody Pierson, Marketing Manager, Prophet Business Group


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