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Tip #348: Watch your audit partition size

Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee

We have had several tips this week regarding managing storage on CRM online, and I wanted to finish the week with one more way that the storage gremlins can creep up on you; Audit partitions.

I recently was reviewing one of my environment’s audit logs, and I found one of these things was not like the other.


Due to some unfortunate circumstances, the most recent audit partition is 164 GB (that’s right, with a G).

What you need to know about audit partitions:

  1. You can delete them, starting with the oldest one.
  2. You cannot delete the current audit partition until the end date. They happen quarterly, so the end of the current partition is 3/31.
  3. You can delete them via the SDK, but it has the same limitations as number 2.

So what this means is that if you have a very large audit partition and it is using all of your available storage, there is no supported way for you to shrink it or delete it. You have to wait until the end of the period, then you can delete it.

For on premises users, you can go the unsupported route and delete audit records vie T-SQL. If you use CRM Online, open a ticket with Microsoft support or add additional storage should this happen to you.




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