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Why Choose Microsoft CRM Over The Competition?

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Businesses looking for a Hosted Dynamics CRM solution are driven by key needs that include: Integration with third party marketing automation software, a holistic view of each customer on the go, and a need to increase productivity without increasing costs.

So what makes Dynamics CRM stand out from the rest? Here are a few reasons why Dynamics CRM is right for your business:

  • Focuses on critical factors for building long- term customer relationships, such as Sales Automation, Customer Service and Marketing Excellence.
  • Familiar Microsoft interface that makes the system easy to use.
  • Native Microsoft Outlook client and embedded Microsoft Office features.
  • Access anywhere, anytime, using a web browser, a tablet or directly within Microsoft Office Outlook.
  • Customization options allow the system to adapt to your business needs and then continue to grow along with your organization.
  • Automation features, such as workflows, increase your employees' productivity and reduce errors.

If you are interested in viewing Microsoft Dynamics CRM in action, download our free interactive demo!

Natalie Williams, Marketing Manager, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence.

Why Choose Microsoft CRM Over The Competition? is a post from: CRM Software Blog

The post Why Choose Microsoft CRM Over The Competition? appeared first on CRM Software Blog.

This was originally posted here.


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