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Yes just a new post about DMF, not really about how it works, just an update on the latest know issues.

What you have to know:

    • DMF AX2012 R2 and higher the staging table MUST have an one on one relation to the target Table.
    • The menu item you select in the DMF wizard. Is for jumping from the staging table form to the target Ax Form.
    • DMF wizard sometimes duplicate the table cache setting of the target table, in case of entire table cache, DMF will fail.
    • In case your records have a refrecid to a record in the same table, DMF will not be able to do the job, (Chicken and his egg, what was first.)
    • Add the natural keys of the related tables (where a refrecid is pointing to) to the staging table and write the replacement code yourself. Good examples are
      • DMFBomEntityClass for InventDim fields
      • DMFBomVersionEntityClass for HRMworkers (generate Approver)
    • Running DMF not in Batch can be debugged with the AX debugger.
    • DMF staging Tables use labels and not the value, so If you are running in EN-US and your customer in NL-NL, trust me it will not work out.
  • DMF data is company independent but your target ax tables not, be Shure that you run them in the correct company.


  • Import and export your DMF settings. DMF framework uses no refrecid add all so create a definition group
  • DMF1
    • And on the end remove all tables that do no start with ‘DMF’
  • Create a clean start, in below example the table ending on Entity where my staging tables


AX2012 R2 CU7

  • In AX 2012 R2CU7 the labels are missing, you can correct this by importing the labels from AX 2012R2 older ones.
  • Don’t forget to remove these label files when you upgrade to CU8.



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