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Report Writer Series: The End!

Well, it’s been fun but it’s time to focus on more interesting areas of Microsoft Dynamics GP.  This is the last official article in the Report Writer series of posts I’ve written, although I’m sure there may be the odd article pop up that has some Report Writer content.


Here is a brief summary of what I’ve covered and where to find it:

  1. Background information on report dictionaries, launch files and other boring stuff! : )

  2. Access to report writer, security, and a bit about types of reports that you can create

  3. Formatting and working with text fields

  4. Changing a report from text to graphical - Part 1 and Part 2

  5. Playing in the (sand) Toolbox

  6. Drawing Options window

  7. Understanding Sections on reports

  8. Custom Reports in report writer

  9. Catch-all with tips on Keys, Restrictions, Sorting & Grids


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