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Don’t Make More Travel Rules, Make Them Easier To Follow

Your employees may not avoid your travel-related rules or break them intentionally; they are just looking for a quick and easy way to book their next business trip.  Make it easier for your employees to book accommodations that meet your corporate guidelines and save money on travel-related expenses with a better travel management solution.

When employees are expected to travel for business, they are likely to choose accommodations that make their travel more convenient and comfortable.  They may choose airlines, hotels, or transportation that is easy to book, offer rewards programs, or are located in close proximity to their destination.  Unfortunately, these choices may not always align with corporate policy.  By the time expense reports are completed and submitted, it’s too late to correct or change the arrangements and you risk budget overruns.  Gain greater compliance with travel polices by deploying TripLink.

Businesses often create corporate travel policies because they have negotiated better rates with preferred vendors, such as frequently used airlines or hotels.  However, these rates are only good for the bottom line if they are being used.  Instead of making more rules, TripLink can be used to book travel accommodations that follow corporate policy.  Employees can book flights, hotels, and ground transportation within this mobile solution and managers can monitor reservations being made, ensuring that corporate policies are being followed as often as is possible.  In addition, travel-related expenses can be connected to Concur Expense to further streamline expense reporting – ensuring that project-specific budgets are followed appropriately.

Instead of waiting to learn what employees have spent or which accommodations they booked, businesses can take a proactive approach to steer employees in a direction that makes sense for corporate or project-specific budgets.  You have a corporate travel policy for a reason.  Now you can enforce it by implementing TripLink.  Contact Concur Technologies, Inc. to learn more about TripLink, Concur Expense, and the other solutions that can make traveling easier for your employees and on corporate budgets.

By Concur Technologies, Inc., a Travel & Expense Solution Provider out of Washington


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