As companies grow and their markets become more global, it is often necessary to upgrade to a more sophisticated software package. There are many things that a decision maker has to take into consideration when considering a conversion to new ERP software.
First and foremost—what are your needs? A detailed Fit/Gap analysis is a must! This isn’t quite as easy as it appears on the surface – many people have to be involved in this process. Everyone who enters transactions into your current system or relies on reporting from it needs to pool their collective requirements, processes, and feature wishes. Then, a seasoned professional for the new software needs to be consulted for the comparison process. This consultant must be aware of all features and soft spots that could impact your business processes. Continue your analysis until everyone involved is confident there aren’t any project-stopping feature gaps, and that all the new processes and efficiencies you’re hoping for can come to fruition.
Next, it’s all about your data. We’ve all heard the phrase “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. Never is this more true than when it comes time for a software conversion. Following an in-depth Fit/Gap Analysis, the next big project for your company is to take out ALL the “data trash” in your current system. Outdated items, customers, vendors, purchase orders, quotes, and orders need to be removed. All pricing and costs must be up to date. Make sure your inventory is current. Purge out all history data that is no longer used. Stop using phone number fields for names or email addresses – you get the idea. Cleaning up current data is vital to any software conversion. It must be clean and consistent for successful import.
Software conversion is a big project. Allow plenty of time for the process. This is the ideal time to reorganize data and processes to better suit your business needs. Write down your expectations, and communicate them to your conversion team. It is better to over-communicate than to allow unspoken assumptions and expectations to spoil the excitement of the project.
JourneyTEAM—A Nashville-based Microsoft ERP Provider, A Utah Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner
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