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See Dynamics CRM vs Salesforce at TechShowcase IT Event in Milwaukee, WI

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techshowcaseAttention all IT geeks.

Okay, so you don’t really need to be a geek, but if you are in an Information Technology role at your company and are in the Midwest (or want to come for a visit) we recommend checking out the free (yep, free) TechShowcase IT event at Miller Park in Milwaukee, WI on April 28, 2015.

Ledgeview Partners will be there as a Premiere Sponsor of the event demoing our brand new CRM for Manufacturing product powered by Microsoft Dynamics CRM. We will also be presenting two informational break-out sessions at the event comparing two of the leading CRM Solutions on the market today. Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs Salesforce.

If you are in the market for a CRM solution this is a great opportunity to look at two of the leading products side-by-side and have access to product experts who can give you the information you need to decide which (if any) solution is right for your company.

In addition to CRM, the #TechShowcase will be a geek heaven of techie information covering a wide range of topics from solution providers (and sponsors) like Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Dell, HP, Cisco and many more.

Check out this short video that gives you just a little teaser of what to expect at the largest IT event in Wisconsin.

If you are going to the #TechShowcase look me up at the Ledgeview Booth (to get a free shirt) or chat with one of my colleagues (Julinda Prekop and Tom Lemirand) at the Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs Salesforce breakdown session at 8:30am and 11:30am.

If fortune doesn’t fall your way to attend, we will be tweeting info on the event from @ledgeviewcrm and @chadcollett with the #TechShowcase hashtag.

Register to Attend the CCB TechShowcase 2015 at Miller Park in Milwaukee, WI on April 28th.


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