I really like Microsoft Dynamic GP’s integration with the Office products, but I LOVE the fact that users can get over 220 built-in Excel reports that are refreshable and real-time! Most users I speak with don’t even know about these reports that they already own! With proper security, both Microsoft Dynamics GP users and non-GP users can see information such as open purchase orders, past due payables, financial information at the summary or transaction level, a listing of customers and addresses, etc. From a simple setup screen, you can determine to deploy these excel reports to a local workstation, to a shared network folder, or to SharePoint.
Many users are aware of Smartlists within Microsoft Dynamics GP and use these extensively to export data to Excel, having real-time data, but only as of that moment it was created and exported out to Excel. If they wish to see the similar spreadsheet at a later date, they need to export again, thus creating another Excel spreadsheet. With the Microsoft Dynamics GP Excel Reports, you can have this information all the time, up to the minute, by clicking the Refresh button from one of your 200 pre-built Excel reports – and NOT have to go into GP each time to get this data.
This is a great feature of Microsoft Dynamics GP, but you also might like to build your own custom Excel Reports to deploy in a similar fashion and have these reports readily available to all users. Microsoft Dynamics GP offers Excel Report Builder that allows a Microsoft Dynamics GP user to link tables, data connections, and SQL tables and view together, restrict data, create calculated fields, etc. and deploy in a similar fashion to a user’s workstation, a network folder or to SharePoint, and have the end result of a real-time refreshable Excel report.
These are just a couple of examples of how you can save time and money by accessing Microsoft Dynamics GP data without having to purchase another user license. And think how more efficient your management and executive teams will be, having the capability to access these spreadsheets with Microsoft Dynamics GP data, real-time, anytime, WITHOUT having to interrupt the accounting/finance department’s daily transactional processing and workload!
by SSi Consulting, Maryland Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner
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