Why You Should Stop Exporting Microsoft Dynamics CRM Records into Excel
All the information you need about your customers is in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, so why do you still feel the need to export that information to Excel to use it? Perhaps because you want to:
- Update a large number of fields or records
- Sort and group information
- Perform calculations
But exporting Microsoft Dynamics CRM information into Excel for these reasons is inefficient for several reasons:
- You are using two systems.
- You cannot drill down to get more information from Dynamics CRM records.
- Grouping and calculations done in Excel are not seen by all Dynamics CRM users.
- Information is almost immediately out of date once it is exported out of Dynamics CRM.
Technically, you could have a refreshable Excel list to keep the information up to date, and technically, you could put it in a shared folder so everyone could see it. But you are still using two systems and it is still inefficient, especially when there is a much easier way.
You can perform all three of these tasks easily within Microsoft Dynamics CRM using the EditAble CRM Grid.
1) How to update a large number of fields or records in Dynamics CRM
To edit fields in Dynamics CRM you need to double click to open each record, then edit. Or some people get fancy and export a batch of records to Excel, do a mass edit, and then re-import the list back into Dynamics CRM. While this does work, it is time consuming and can very easily lead to disaster if done incorrectly.
EditAble CRM Grid allows you to turn any CRM form (or page) into a grid format. That way you can click any field and edit, just as you would in an Excel document. With EditAble CRM Grid you can quickly and easily edit a large amount of information with fewer clicks.
2) How to sort and group information in Dynamics CRM
Out of the box, Microsoft Dynamics CRM records are displayed in a list format. You can set them to sort alphabetically by a specific column, but that is about it. With EditAble CRM Grid you can add one or more grids to a Dynamics CRM page and group information in a way you’d like to see it.
For example, a property management company tracks all their apartments, or units, in Dynamics CRM. With EditAble CRM Grid, they can group units by building, or by occupancy, for a clearer view. Then they can take it a step further with calculations using that information.
3) How to perform calculations in Dynamics CRM
With EditAble CRM Grid you can choose to use the CRM 2015’s calculated fields; or for more complex calculations, easily create your own custom calculations using the grids flexible API. The grouping feature also allows you to configure how grouped information is subtotaled as well as displaying grand totals for all the records displayed in the grid. You can calculate dollar amounts, counts, sums and more.
That same property management company that has grouped their records by building can now calculate the total rents for all those units within each building. Then, at one glance, from within Dynamics CRM, they can see how much rent they are collecting for each unit and building. You can group and sort the information any way you need to see it.
EditAble CRM Grid is a powerful tool that allows users to stay in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. And rest assured, if you still want to use Microsoft Excel, you can export your information from the EditABle CRM Grid into Excel to create charts, perform mail merges and use other Excel specific features.
Watch this video to see these features in action:
EditAble CRM Grid Solution Overview
For more information on EditAble CRM Grid contact AbleBridge.
By AbleBridge, Massachusetts Microsoft Dynamics CRM Partner, www.AbleBridge.com
Why You Should Stop Exporting Microsoft Dynamics CRM Records into Excel is a post from: CRM Software Blog
The post Why You Should Stop Exporting Microsoft Dynamics CRM Records into Excel appeared first on CRM Software Blog.
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