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SSRS AX 2012 Error

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SSRS AX 2012 Error: When refreshing PurchPurchaseOrder datasource on PurchPurchaseOrder Report (PO Report)

When we customize PurchPurchaseOrderReport to add a field on PurchPurchaseOrder Dataset in AOT and refresh dataset in Visual Studio.

We will get following error message:

Element':PurchPurchaseOrder.Parameters.IsPurchConfirmationRequestJournal’ has already been defined. To correct this, rename one or more of the model elements so that they have a unique name.

SSRS Reporting Error

This is very common error and we can fix it by doing following steps: 

  1. Prior to refreshing Dataset, we have to rename the parameter IsPurchConfirmationRequestJournal to IsPurchConfirmationRequestJournalDelete
  2. Change the following properties:
    1. nullable – True
    2. allow blank – True
  3. Now refresh the dataset you should not see any errors and a new parameter IsPurchConfirmationRequestJournal will be created. Now set the below properties of new parameter:
    1. allow blank – True
    2. Nullable – True
  4. Once the properties are set, now delete the parameter ‘IsPurchConfirmationRequestJournalDelete’.
  5. Rebuild the solution and deploy the report.

Similar kind of errors can be seen in PSAProjInvoice as well.


The post SSRS AX 2012 Error appeared first on Arbela Tech.


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