XrmToolBox first release on Github!
Hi XrmToolBox friends,
Today is a big day for XrmToolBox! First release on Github has been published and I have a lot of news to announce!
XrmToolBox on Github
I already made this announcement before but that’s official now, with this first release, XrmToolBox is hosted on Github and CodePlex project won’t receive updates anymore.
You can reach this project on Github by following this link (or read following announcement)
XrmToolBox home page
XrmToolBox has its own home page now! You can bookmark www.xrmtoolbox.com. It has never been easier to find where XrmToolBox resides!
If you are a XrmToolBox plugin developer, and you want me to provide you a subdomain of XrmToolBox.com, just ask (you can see the FetchXml Builder example here : http://fxb.xrmtoolbox.com). .
New tool: FLS Bulk Updater!
I don’t know if you already faced this scenario but I had to update 10 Field Security Profiles with more than 300 Fields Permissions. And it was a nightmare… Ok, you can select multiple Fields Permissions for one profile and update them in bulk. But you still have to open each Field Security Profile… boring…
FLS Bulk Updater displays all Field Security Profiles, and all Fields Permissions. You just have to tick profiles and fields you want to update and select properties to apply. Click on “Update FLS”, you’re done!
You can also check properties for one Field Security Profile by selecting it in the profiles list.
XrmToolBox development
XrmToolBox includes three new interfaces that helps you to add shortcuts to your own CodePlex or Github projects and to add PayPal donations links (like XrmToolBox does).
To download the latest release, go to XrmToolBox Github project releases page
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