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Having both Purchase Requisition Approval and Purchase Order Approval workflow types active in the same company database for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and Dynamics GP 2015 in Workflow 2.0.

We've had a couple of questions on how it works when both the Purchase Requisition Approval and Purchase Approval workflow types, for Workflow 2.0, are setup and activated for the same company database, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and Dynamics GP 2015.

What happens is that when we have both activated in the same company, when we create a requisition and submit it for approval, it goes through the workflow approval process until it has completed all steps and approvals, then in the Purchase Requisition Entry window, we can pull up the requisition, click on Actions > Purchase, and convert it into a purchase order, where it gets a PO number.

However, since we also have the Purchase Order Approval workflow activated, and because we are in essence creating a new purchase order, even though it is from the requisition that has already gone through the approval process, the new purchase order is given a Workflow_Status of 4, meaning it is 'Pending Approval' and if we bring it up in the Purchase Order Entry window, it shows as 'Pending Approval', because it is forced into the Purchase Order Approval workflow steps and process as well. Only once it has completed all of the approval steps in the Purchase Order Approval workflow, does it become a completed purchase order available for use within the Dynamics GP application.

If we only have the Purchase Requisition Approval workflow activated in a company database, the completed PO would receive a Workflow_Status value of 9, meaning the PO Approval workflow is not activated, thus it is not pending any approval.

This is all by design in Microsoft Dynamics GP and is how the system works if both Purchase Requisition Approval and Purchase Approval workflow types are being used in the same company database. The questions we've seen mostly is why the completed requisition, once converted into a purchase order, must go through the approval process again/shows as 'Pending Approval'.

I hope this helps explain this part of the Workflow 2.0 functionality in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and Dynamics GP 2015.




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    Having both Purchase Requisition Approval and Purchase Order Approval workflow types active in the same

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    Pingback from | Having both Purchase Requisition Approval and Purchase Order Approval workflow types active in the same company database for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and Dynamics GP 2015 in Workflow 2.0. – Microsoft Dynamics GP CommunityHaving both Purchase Requisition Approval and Purchase Order Approval workflow types active in the same company database for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and Dynamics GP 2015 in Workflow 2.0. - Microsoft Dynamics GP Community -