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Download this eBook: 5 Proven Ways Medical Device Manufacturers and Distributors Improve Profits

The marketing gurus at Microsoft tell me that eBooks are the next big thing. Not that they're new. Just that they're gaining in popularity. So Altico Advisors decided to put that to the test by producing an eBook for one of our important constituencies - medical device manufacturers and distributors.

The marketing gurus also tell us that you have to track who requests your eBook. Thus you must have a registration form for people to fill out before they can get your terrific new eBook. Here's where we disagree. Altico made a policy decision more than a year ago not to do that. I won't take up a lot of space in this post explaining why, but simply stated, we decided: No more registration forms. Period.

Which brings us back to the eBook. Our new venture into that realm is entitled: "5 Proven Ways Medical Device Manufacturers and Distributors Improve Profits." It's a 6-page eBook with an introduction and one page for each of the "5 Proven Ways." They are: 1) Simplified regulatory compliance; 2) Improved inventory control; 3) Tightening materials planning; 4)Streamlining financial planning, forecasting, budgeting and reporting; and 5) Better supply chain management. All 5 are important. I personally think that regulatory compliance and supply chain management are the top 2.

And of course, the eBook does mention some of the ways that Microsoft Dynamics GP, our flagship ERP software solution, will help medical device companies achieve those 5 goals (which of course it will). If you haven't downloaded it yet, here's another chance. Download the Altico Advisors' Medical Device eBook now.

By Marcia Nita Doron, Altico Advisors - Dynamics ERP and CRM Partner serving New Hampshire (NH) and beyond


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