CPE for Microsoft Convergence 2015
As in past years, Microsoft has quietly offered CPE for Convergence. This is considered on-site learning. It’s not NASBA approved because it’s on-site. Most states don’t require NASBA approval for on-site learning. Many, many CPA firms for example have in house developed training programs that qualify for CPE without NASBA approval.
NASBA approval is required by most states for online courses to ensure that the online training meets a minimum standard. You don’t get CPE for the watching the post-Convergence videos.
Acceptance of CPE credits varies by state so your mileage may vary. The link to the CPE form is buried in this FAQ – Microsoft Convergence 2015 page.
It’s at the end of the Content section, just before the Networking section. The Download link automatically downloads a PDF so it’s a pain to link to and I’m choosing not to provide a direct link. You’ll have to do a little more work if you want Convergence CPE.
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