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MPS - Planning Worksheet - Order Multiples with Demand Forecast

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We are trying to test a few things in our Sandbox and I had a question I couldn't quite find the answer too.
We have an product that when we Assemble it, it is done in batches of 58. The lowest that we would do is 29. 
Attached is a screen shot of the Planning Parameters. I do not have a lot accumulation set because we don't group our planning right now, I want to look at it month over month, however, I have tested by filling in that field and it didn't help get me where I hoped to be.
We also use a demand forecast when planning.
When running the planning worksheet, it seems to disregard the order multiple and just fill in the gap to meet the demand on the forecast. In another screen shot, for the month of October, we have a total demand on the forecast of 291. The planning worksheet is recommending (5) orders of 58, and (1) order of 1. Is there a way to get that order of 1 to be on order of 29 (since that is the minimum order quantity)? 
I do have the "Respect Planning Parameters..." checked on the Planning work sheet as well.
I think ideally, I would love to know if there is a way for it to tell us to produce more in one month, and apply that overage to the forecasted demand in the following month. Or does the total on forecast override that Minimum Order Quantity and there is no way around it? Thanks very much in advanced. 

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