RE: Getting following error while select multiple grids
Sohaib Bhai,
I resolved this issue that would be help for those who might get this error when they try to add any field into the grid.
The form name is CustpaymEntry and navigation is AR->Journals->payments->Payment Journal -> Enter Customer Pay.
Note: This form is not customized form, it is purely standard AX form.
When I trying to add new field into this form, it is showing the following error.
These mandatory fields are from CustSettlementTransactionPriority Table which is one of the datasource in CustPaymEntry Form. After struggling for a while, It got resolved.
I have overridden two methods in CustsettlementTransactionPriority_DS i.e., validateWrite() & write() methods.
In validateWrite() method, I commented super() and return true and in write() method, I commented super().
Thats it, issue resolved.