RE: Unable to install Solomon 2011 Webservices
Sure....!!!! Are you selected de correct system database... try this... erase all the keys and save, then close the Dynamics SL. First check the SQL configuration manager, check the Protocols for MSSql server and verify the name pipes and tcp/ip are enabled, then check the SQL native client the same protocols are active, (if you move something restart all the services) close the sql configuration manager, the open the Microsoft Dynamics SL Database Maintenance, select the server instance, and in the update scenarios tab select synchronize, ended the process close the database maintenance, and open the Dynamics SL open the registration screen (92.250.00) put the modules keys the module WS is the web service module, save, close open one more time the registration screen and verify the WS module is active.
The check the version that you installed, can you see the registration module on the about screen?
The about screen is on the top right corner, press the about dynamics SL and in the unlocked module you see information? The list of unlocked modules?
if you can't see the modules you install the wrong SL version.
If you see the module try one more time to install the web services, select the correct system database, use the SA user.