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Data not filtering out if query range changes dynamically

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I have a form in which I have used a query which supplying data to that form. I have created a string control on that form & based on selection, resources which belong to that category should filter out. I am adding range dynamically but data is not getting filtered, I have debug & checked ranges are setting properly to the query. I have tried given range directly in AOT query in TSTimesheetTable Resource field & its worked but dynamically adding not working.
What could be the issue.
below is the code in string control NAVEmploymentType modified event handler: 
        public boolean modified()        {            container employemntResource, resources;            QueryBuildDataSource    qbds;            QueryRun                queryRun;            boolean ret;            ret = super();                    queryRun = new queryRun(TSTimesheetTable_ds.query());            while(            {                TSTimesheetTable timesheetTable = queryRun.get(tableNum(TSTimesheetTable));                int resource = conFind(resources, timesheetTable.Resource);                if(resource == 0)                {                    resources += timesheetTable.Resource;                }            }            int resource = conLen(resources);            for(int i = 1; i <= resource; i++)            {                HcmWorker hcmWorker;                HcmEmployment hcmEmployemnt;                HcmEmploymentDetail hcmEmploymentDetailRec;                BenefitEmploymentType benefitEmploymentTypeRec;                RecId resourceRecId = conPeek(resources,i);                HcmWorkerRecId hcmworkerRecId = ResourceView::find(resourceRecId).Worker;                select firstonly hcmWorker                    join hcmEmployemnt                    join hcmEmploymentDetailRec                    join benefitEmploymentTypeRec                    where hcmWorker.RecId == hcmEmployemnt.Worker                    && hcmEmploymentDetailRec.Employment == hcmEmployemnt.RecId                    && benefitEmploymentTypeRec.RecId == hcmEmploymentDetailRec.BenefitEmploymentType                    && hcmWorker.RecId == hcmworkerRecId;                if(benefitEmploymentTypeRec && benefitEmploymentTypeRec.EmploymentTypeId == this.text())                {                    employemntResource += conPeek(resources,i);                }                hcmWorker.clear();                hcmEmployemnt.clear();                hcmEmploymentDetailRec.clear();                benefitEmploymentTypeRec.clear();            }            qbds = TSTimesheetTable_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(TSTimesheetTable));            qbds.clearRange(fieldNum(TSTimesheetTable, Resource));            int workerLeft = conLen(employemntResource);            for(int i = 1; i <= workerLeft; i++)            {                RecId workersLeft = conPeek(employemntResource,i);                qbds.addRange(fieldNum(TSTimesheetTable, Resource)).value(queryValue(workersLeft));            }            TSTimesheetTable_ds.executeQuery();            //TSTimesheetTable_ds.reread();            //TSTimesheetTable_ds.research(true);            return ret;        }
Thanks & Regards,
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,466 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Data not filtering out if query range changes dynamically
    I formatted your code and make it easier to follow, such as by throwing away code without any useful effect:
    public boolean modified()
        boolean ret = super();
        container resources;
        QueryRun queryRun = new queryRun(TSTimesheetTable_ds.query());
        while (
            TSTimesheetTable timesheetTable = queryRun.get(tableNum(TSTimesheetTable));
            int resource = conFind(resources, timesheetTable.Resource);
            if (resource == 0)
                resources += timesheetTable.Resource;
        container employmentResource;
        for (int i = 1; i <= conLen(resources); i++)
            HcmWorker hcmWorker;
            HcmEmployment hcmEmployment;
            HcmEmploymentDetail hcmEmploymentDetailRec;
            BenefitEmploymentType benefitEmploymentTypeRec;
            RecId resourceRecId = conPeek(resources,i);
            HcmWorkerRecId hcmWorkerRecId = ResourceView::find(resourceRecId).Worker;
            select firstonly hcmWorker
                where hcmWorker.RecId == hcmWorkerRecId
                join RecId from hcmEmployment
                    where hcmEmployment.Worker == hcmWorker.RecId 
                join RecId from hcmEmploymentDetailRec
                    where hcmEmploymentDetailRec.Employment == hcmEmployment.RecId
                join benefitEmploymentTypeRec
                    where benefitEmploymentTypeRec.RecId == hcmEmploymentDetailRec.BenefitEmploymentType;
            if (benefitEmploymentTypeRec.EmploymentTypeId == this.text())
                employmentResource += conPeek(resources, i);
        QueryBuildDataSource qbds = TSTimesheetTable_ds.queryBuildDataSource();
        // Note that this clear just one range. If there are multiple ones for Resource field, the others will still stay there.
        qbds.clearRange(fieldNum(TSTimesheetTable, Resource));
        for (int i = 1; i <= conLen(employmentResource); i++)
            RecId resourceRecId = conPeek(employmentResource, i);
            qbds.addRange(fieldNum(TSTimesheetTable, Resource)).value(queryValue(resourceRecId));
        return ret;
    Your approach looks very inefficient to me - adding joins and ranges to the query would be much better than running so many extra queries. But all right, we can ignore performance problems for now.
    What is the query string generated by your code and how it differs from your intention? For example, look at qbds object in debugger; you should see the string there. As you see, just observing data returned by the query doesn't tell you much; you need to pay attention to the query itself.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,466 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Data not filtering out if query range changes dynamically
    Your code looks very strange to me. Your intention is filtering the query, but your first step is executing the query with current filters. Why? I thought you just want to add a range (or ranges) and call executeQuery().
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,266 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Data not filtering out if query range changes dynamically
    Hi Community User,
    Can you please post your code in the comments section as it's not well formatted.
    Also maybe check if this link will help
    Layan Jweihan
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future

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