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Filter on account selection

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I have a requirement where I have a parameter form with a field called "FilterAccountValues" having multiselect lookup seperated by commas, lets say the filter values are:
FilterAccountValues : A-001,C-002,M-001,311
Now when i navigate to "View Trade Agreements" screen from either customers or release products then i should see only the trade agreement with Account selection as FilterAccountValues. i.e. In the account selection field only the values with account selection A-001,C-002,M-001,311 should be displayed.
I tried writing code on PricediscTable formdatasource priceDiscTable - executeQuery()
I have written below x++ code to achieve this but the highlighted line throws object reference error, can someone please help me with this.

        QueryBuildDataSource    qbds;
        QueryBuildRange         qbr;
        int                     conI = 1;
        container               accountSelectionCon;

            container    accountSelection = str2con(parameterTable.FilterAccountValues);
            ListIterator accountSelectionList = new ListIterator(con2List(accountSelection));
                accountSelectionCon = conIns(accountSelectionCon, conI, accountSelectionList.value());
            qbds = this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(PriceDiscTable));
            qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(PriceDiscTable, AccountRelation));
Thanks in advance.

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