In Business Central for a Production environment, what are some good "examples" for testing MRP and MPS and to ensure that the Planning elements such as reorder points and reorder policies are performing well and producing accurate results?
The only person that can tell if your suggestions are accurate and in line with the business is your planner (assuming they are good at their job). They should be able to look at the current supply/demand for an Item and say what they would do. You then run planning and see if you get that result, again assuming you want to plan how the existing planner does it.
Everything should be tested and adjusted in a Sandbox first. Only after the results have been verified, and the process flow approved by the team, should the parameters be enabled in the Production Environment. The use of Config. Packages makes moving the MRP setup selections to Production very easy.
Try with Stockkeeping unit where you can setup planning parameter and then run the MRP and MPS planning worksheet if you did not try that .
Also run the planning worksheet after changing the Manufacturing policy. You may also check at Production BOM side how component item is get calculated based on sales demand of production item.
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