I have the following report from Microsoft Support Page (Detailed Sales Report by Hour HQ). I wish to add additional columns if possibel: 1. tax column, 2. tax+total sale column, and 3. Discount Reason Code column.
Thank you in advance for your help.
//--- Report Summary --- //
Begin ReportSummary
ReportType = reporttypeSales
ReportTitle = "Detailed Sales Report"
PageOrientation = pageorientationLandscape
WordWrap = False
ShowDateTimePicker = False
OutLineMode = True
Groups = 2
GroupDescription = ""
DisplayLogo = True
LogoFileName = "MyLogo.bmp"
ProcedureCall = ""
PreQuery1 = ""
PreQuery2 = ""
TablesQueried = <BEGIN>
FROM TransactionEntry
ON TransactionEntry.TransactionNumber = [Transaction].TransactionNumber AND TransactionEntry.StoreID = [Transaction].StoreID
ON [Transaction].BatchNumber = Batch.BatchNumber AND [Transaction].StoreID = Batch.StoreID
ON TransactionEntry.ItemID = Item.ID
ON Item.DepartmentID = Department.ID
ON Item.CategoryID = Category.ID
ON Item.SupplierID = Supplier.ID
LEFT JOIN ReasonCode AS ReasonCodeDiscount WITH(NOLOCK)
ON TransactionEntry.DiscountReasonCodeID = ReasonCodeDiscount.ID
LEFT JOIN ReasonCode AS ReasonCodeTaxChange WITH(NOLOCK)
ON TransactionEntry.TaxChangeReasonCodeID = ReasonCodeTaxChange.ID
LEFT JOIN ReasonCode AS ReasonCodeReturn WITH(NOLOCK)
ON TransactionEntry.ReturnReasonCodeID = ReasonCodeReturn.ID
LEFT JOIN Store ON [Transaction].StoreID = Store.ID
LEFT JOIN Customer ON [Transaction].CustomerID = Customer.ID
LEFT JOIN SalesRep ON TransactionEntry.SalesRepID = SalesRep.ID
AND TransactionEntry.StoreID = SalesRep.StoreID
SelCriteria = ""
GroupBy = ""
SortOrder = ""
End ReportSummary
//--- Title Rows ---//
Begin TitleRow
Text = "<Store Name>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 16
Color = "Blue"
End TitleRow
Begin TitleRow
Text = "<Report Title>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 12
Color = "Black"
End TitleRow
Begin TitleRow
Text = "Generated On <Report Date>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 10
Color = "Black"
End TitleRow
//--- Filters ---//
Begin Filter
FieldName = "TransactionTime"
FilterOp = reportfilteropBetween
FilterLoLim = "<Today>"
FilterHilim = "<Today>"
End Filter
//--- Columns ---//
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.Name"
DrillDownFieldName = "Store.Name"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store Name"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1800
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "TimeSold"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Time Sold"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "cast(DatePart(Hh,[Transaction].Time) as nvarchar)+ ':00'"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1000
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.ID"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store ID"
VBDataType = vbLong
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 870
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.StoreCode"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store Code"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1095
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.Region"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store Region"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1335
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.City"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store City"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1020
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.State"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store State"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1155
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.Zip"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store Zip"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 945
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.Country"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Store Country"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1560
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Department.Name"
DrillDownFieldName = "Department.Name"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Department"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2205
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Category.Name"
DrillDownFieldName = "Category.Name"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Category"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1515
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Supplier.SupplierName"
DrillDownFieldName = "Supplier.SupplierName"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Supplier"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 825
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode"
DrillDownFieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Item"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1380
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.BinLocation"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Bin Location"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1140
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.Description"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Description"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2115
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.Quantity"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "On Hand"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 810
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = "#.#"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "SalesRep.Name"
DrillDownFieldName = "SalesRep.Name"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Sales Rep"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2000
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "SalesRep.Number"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Sales Rep #"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1365
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.Price"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Price"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 555
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.PriceA"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Price A"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 720
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.PriceB"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "PriceB"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 660
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.PriceC"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Price C"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 720
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.SalePrice"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Sale Price"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 945
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.SaleStartDate"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Sale Starts"
VBDataType = vbDate
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1020
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.SaleEndDate"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Sale Ends"
VBDataType = vbDate
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 930
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.MSRP"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "MSRP"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 945
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.LastSold"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Last Sold"
VBDataType = vbDate
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 900
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Quantity"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Qty Sold"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1300
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = "#.##"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Price"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Sold Price"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1250
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Total"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Total Sales"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = "TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1600
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Cost"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Cost"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = "TransactionEntry.Quantity * TransactionEntry.Cost"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 900
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Profit"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Profit"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = "(TransactionEntry.Price - TransactionEntry.Cost) * TransactionEntry.Quantity"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 900
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "ProfitMargin"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Profit Margin"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = "CASE WHEN TransactionEntry.Price <> 0 THEN CASE WHEN TransactionEntry.Quantity > 0 THEN (TransactionEntry.Price - TransactionEntry.Cost) / TransactionEntry.Price ELSE CASE WHEN TransactionEntry.Quantity < 0 THEN (TransactionEntry.Price - TransactionEntry.Cost) / (TransactionEntry.Price*-1) ELSE 0 END END ELSE 0 END"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 900
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = "0.00%"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "[Transaction].TransactionNumber"
DrillDownFieldName = "[Transaction].TransactionNumber"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Transaction"
VBDataType = vbLong
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1245
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "TransactionTime"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Date Sold"
VBDataType = vbDate
Formula = "CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(nvarchar, [Transaction].Time, 101), 101)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 900
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "ReasonCodeTaxChange.Description"
DrillDownFieldName = "Reasoncode.Description"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Tax Change Reason Code"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2280
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "ReasonCodeReturn.Description"
DrillDownFieldName = "Reasoncode.Description"
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Return Reason Code"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2280
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
End Column
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