Hello all,
Currently, we are running CRM 2015 update 0.2 (On-Premise). After updating our test environment to the latest update 0.3, we have noticed that our checkbox on the forms are broken:
And here is how it was before the update:
As you can see checkbox became a text (Yes or No) and it could not be changed (if we click on it, it becames blank and if we close the form, we are receiving an error:
<Message>inline control initialization failed for control : <entity_field_name> : with controlMode : normal : and exception details :
Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null</Message>)
The weard thing is that not all the checkbox becomes like that (you can see on the screenshot the checkbox "Main") and all newly created are also fine ("testcheckbox").
We have tried to change them to "Two radio buttons" (work fine) and then change it back - it's the same.
Also we have tried to roll back server's update to 0.2, and after that checkboxes works fine and visible, so the issue is definetly in 0.3 update.
Please advice what could be done or how to relove this issue?
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